On June 13, 2018 Monte Financial Group LLC continued our seminar series with guest speaker Ryan Boland, CFP® of Fidelity Charitable. Ryan spoke about Donor Advised Funds and how they can be a gifting strategy solution for the charitably minded. Thank you Ryan for the informative session!! Before any action, please consult with your financial advisor to determine the best solution to your gifting strategy.


Donor Advised Funds Seminar- Ryan Boland

On June 13, 2018 Monte Financial Group LLC continued our seminar series with guest speaker Ryan Boland, CFP® of Fidelity Charitable. Ryan spoke about Donor Advised Funds and how they can be a gifting strategy solution for the charitably minded. Thank you Ryan for the informative session!!

Before any action, please consult with your financial advisor to determine the best solution to your gifting strategy.

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