Asset Management

Clients have access to our dedicated asset management team that works with our wealth management team to help achieve your investment goals and objectives.

Customized Portfolio Management

We customize portfolios based on client specific needs such as legacy stock positions, sector or position specific restrictions, etc.

Equity & Fixed Income Expertise

We typically create and manage portfolios primarily comprised of individual equity and fixed income securities, allocating the client’s assets in accordance with their investment policy statement.

Third-Party Asset Management

To further diversify client assets, through our internal due diligence, we can recommend unaffiliated, independent investment managers, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and/or mutual funds to be included in client portfolios.


Monte Financial Group, LLC, claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®).

GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.

To obtain a GIPS Report or the firm’s full list of composite descriptions, please call us at (203) 453-6851.

We Are Here to Help

For more information on how we can help you, or to arrange an introductory meeting, please complete the information below

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